Monday, April 2, 2012

Harriet Tubman Portrait patina

 I fired my bust of Harriet Tubman and everything went quite smoothly. Here is the finished sculpture with the patina and base.

Sculpted at life size using ceramic stoneware clay with glazed patina and wood base.


  1. Beautiful work Miss Lori Jo Kiplinger ma'am, Looking at the photos of your work reminds me Mrs. Pat's Modeling friday morning class.

    1. Thank you dear fellow Ringling friend~ I SO enjoyed her class and her humor!

      Do you remember the rainy mornings where people would run into the classroom laden with supplies only to have their wet feet hit the clay dust, which instantly turned into slick mud? I can remember many a time being caught by people as I hit the floor and started a very ungraceful slide!

  2. LOL to be Honest I don't remeber a whole Hale of a lot of 1st year, Let's just say I was young and dumb and away from home for the first time. ;) Though I find it hard to believe Lori Jo you were ever ungraceful. I do remember volleyball games after supper, D&D on Friday nights, and the look on a young ladie's face as I brust into her dorm room covered in shaving cream, trying to get away from the Drom monitor.

  3. :-)
    1979-1980 was a big year for a lot of young Ringlingites!
